My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa. It is best to use thick pieces of cod for this baked cod recipe- like one inch or more - to ensure even cooking time with the tomatoes. When done, add the torn basil leaves, tossing them with the warm tomatoes with tongs so the basil wilts slightly. Then garnish each piece of fish with a wilted basil leaf.
If I could only choose one food to grow myself, it would without a doubt be tomatoes.
If you have never had a home-grown tomato, you really don't know what you are missing out on.
Add the tomatoes and red onion to a bowl and drizzle with oil.
How are you currently as of this best moment ?, I desire you're very well and usually joyful. through this web site I will introduce the recipe for cooking My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa that is currently extremely popular with various groups, using a easy and fast method of making relatively, this My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa food is in great demand by lots of people, and tastes good also, tends to make all of your family members and friends You like it quite possibly.
It is best to use thick pieces of cod for this baked cod recipe- like one inch or more - to ensure even cooking time with the tomatoes. When done, add the torn basil leaves, tossing them with the warm tomatoes with tongs so the basil wilts slightly. Then garnish each piece of fish with a wilted basil leaf.
My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa cuisine is really a dish that's classified as an easy task to make. through the use of products that exist around you simply, it could be created by you in simple actions. You may make it for family or friends events, and it could be displayed at several formal occasions also. I am certain you will see lots of people who just like the My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa dishes that you just make.
Alright, don't linger, let's approach this my cod and basil tomato salsa formula with 10 substances which are absolutely easy to receive, and we have to process them at the very least through 11 ways. You should invest a while on this, so the resulting food could be perfect.
Composition for My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa:
- Give 400 g of frozen Cod.
- Need 1 tabls Butter.
- Provide of Salt & Pepper.
- Require - The Tomato Salsa.
- Give 4 for vine Tomatoes cut into four pieces.
- Prepare 1/2 cup mixed peppers.
- Provide 2 tbls for Lemon juice.
- You need 4 for Fresh Basil leaves.
- Provide 2 tsp for Tomato Pesto sauce.
- Require 1 tbls for Sun dried Tomatoes.
Add to a greased baking sheet. Try this Tomato and Basil Salsa recipe, or contribute your own. Serve any extra salsa in a bowl in the center of the table. This is delicate salsa marries beautifully well with cold meats such as chicken or pork, but works equally well with fish.
My Cod and Basil Tomato Salsa step by step:
- Add the Butter to frying pan melt it and add the fish.
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- Add a lid and leabe for 4 minutes to cook. From frozen 3 minutes fresh. Strain off the fish and add it to a plate to keep warm set aside for a minute or two..
- Chop the tomatoes.
- Add the mixed peppers to the tomatoes in a bowl i used frozen..
- Chop the basil and add that to tomatoes.
- Add the mixed peppers and oil in a seperaye frying pan or sauce pan heat up the olive oil.
- Add the oil and heat also the tomatoes and basil and mixed peppers and fry for a minute.
- Add the lemon juice, pesto and sundried tomatoes and a little salt & pepper. Cook in for 2 minutes.
- Then on a serving dish add the cod and arrange the tomato salsa on top finish with some parsley sprinled.
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Add all the other ingredients, except the basil, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with cling film and leave to stand for up. Remove from the heat, stir in the basil and season. I like to garnish the cod with Italian parsley, basil, and chives when I poach in marinara sauce, and cilantro and green onions when I poach in salsa. You can get it on the table in just a few minutes on a busy.
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