PEPES IKAN WOKU IN HERBAL CURRY, WRAP WITH BANANA LEAVES. Wrap the spiced fish with banana leaves and tie both ends. Grill over hot charcoal or bake in oven until cooked. Note: if you dont have banana leaves, you can use aluminum foil to wrap it.
It can be translated as Steamed Fish with Woku Spices in Banana Leaves.
Place fish, spiced paste, the leaves ingredients in banana leaves, wrap them up and pin.
One of the national dishes of Indonesia, PEPES IKAN or Fish Wrapped in Banana Leaf.
How are you currently as of this best period ?, I just desire you're very well and cheerful continually. through this web site I will introduce the recipe for cooking PEPES IKAN WOKU IN HERBAL CURRY, WRAP WITH BANANA LEAVES that is currently extremely popular with various groups, with a comparatively easy and fast method of making, this PEPES IKAN WOKU IN HERBAL CURRY, WRAP WITH BANANA LEAVES food is in great demand by lots of people, and tastes good also, creates all of your relatives and friends You like it even.
PEPES IKAN WOKU IN HERBAL CURRY, WRAP WITH BANANA LEAVES cuisine is really a dish that's classified as an easy task to make. through the use of resources that exist around you simply, it could be created by you in simple actions. You may make it for friends or family events, and it could even be presented at various official events. I am certain you will see lots of people who just like the PEPES IKAN WOKU IN HERBAL CURRY, WRAP WITH BANANA LEAVES dishes that you just make.
Wrap the spiced fish with banana leaves and tie both ends. Grill over hot charcoal or bake in oven until cooked. Note: if you dont have banana leaves, you can use aluminum foil to wrap it.
Alright, don't linger, let's course of action this pepes ikan woku in herbal curry, wrap with banana leaves formula with 20 components which are definitely easy to acquire, and we have to process them at the very least through 5 ways. You should commit a while on this, so the resulting food could be perfect.
- Require 1 of (850) Bonito.
- Need 1 lime, extract juice.
- Prepare 6 tablespoons oil.
- Give 5 of kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced.
- Require 1 for turmeric leaf, thinly sliced.
- Need 1 for pandanus leaf, thinly sliced.
- Provide 1 teaspoon for cumin (if available use the leaves and thinly sliced).
- Give 2 spring onions, coarsley chopped.
- Require 30 grams lemon basil leaves (optional).
- Require Spices (ground) :.
- Prepare 7 - red chillies.
- Provide 13 bird's eye chillies (use less if you prefer).
- Provide 2 cm of turmeric, chopped.
- Provide 2 cm gingger, chopped.
- You need 2-3 of tomatoes.
- You need 7 for candlenuts, roasted.
- Require 2 tablespoon of thinly sliced lemon grass.
- Prepare 1 tablespoon - salt.
- Provide 1 teaspoon - sugar (optional).
- Give - Banana leaves enough to wrap or almunium foil.
Now, let's see what ingredients you will need for this recipe. Wrap them up tightly & pin with tooth picks. If desired, you could also grill the wrapped fish for awhile before serving. Unwrap the banana leaves & squeeze kaffir lime over fish.
- Clean and was fish. Rub with lime juice and let it stand for about 10 minutes..
- Mix all the spices ground with salt and sugar. Rub it on the Fish..
- Wrap the spiced fish with banana leaves and tie both ends. Grill over hot charcoal or bake in oven until cooked..
- Note: if you dont have banana leaves, you can use aluminum foil to wrap it..
- Another way to cook is saute the ground spices, kaffir lime leaves, turmeric leaves, pandanus leaves with oil until fragrant. Add the water and bring to the boil. Toss in the Fish and continue to cook over low heat. And cumin and spring onions. Simmer until cooked. When the sauce is completely absorbed, adjust seasoning if necessary then add lemon basil leaves. Remove from heat and serve with Rice or any dish you like..
If you like, sprinkle some more sliced green onion and or. Ikan mas are therefore commonly wrapped up in banana leaves and end up on a plate. Ikan mas are in fact common carp, not the goldfish you keep in aquariums. Delicious and aromatic,this dish is fantastic to serve family and friends. Opening the banana leaves is almost like opening a present. - Recipe Main Dish : Teach a man to fish: pepes ikan woku by Indonesia-Eats.
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